with up to 70% reduction in working hours
Reduce your payroll by up to 70%* and manage costs flexibly
Maintain the loyalty of professionals - don't abandon them in times of need
We will recommend proven specialists to strengthen your team
This green approach will allow employees to return to the workforce in the future, saving on recruitment and on onboarding costs
Maintain a healthy work climate in the company without traumatising the team with redundancies
Your specialists can work on other projects and we will prevent conflicts of interest
Help you reduce your payroll costs
and retain a loyal workforce by employing
of your workforce
What task we are tackling
Drawing on our own experience, we create tools to enable you to evolve in this new reality
We have been working with the shared resources model for more than two years and have proved it to be effective
Implemented more than 200 projects
in client-centric industries
More than fifteen years' experience in implementing strategic, operational, organisational and digital transformation
Pay only for the time employees spend on your tasks, not for staying in the office
Get your staff involved to the extent that you need them
Don't break up with people, move to flexible teams and achieve business objectives